This week was a sweet week. Really busy, but sweet.
start off I'll update you on Gwen! So on both Monday and Tuesday we had
lessons with her in members' homes! Which is how missionary work should
be and is most effective. The Members here are so awesome and helpful,
they genuinely care about her and want to be her friend. She even
mentioned how in other churches people act like that but that during the
week they ignore her and dont act that way. But being with us members
are inviting her and her kids to activities and texting her through out
the week asking her how she is doing and stuff like that. So they are
making it really easy on us! But a cool story about us and Gwen this
week... So Saturday Elder Jensen and I were super tired, so for our
dinner break we decided to take a nap. We were both knocked out when
Gwen knocked on our door! I was asleep in the Bedroom, but Elder Jensen
woke up all confused and not knowing what was going on, so he answered
the door all funny. Which made Gwen laugh, but then she gave us some
chocolate Jesus fishes and asked if we wanted to read with her from the
Book of Mormon! Wow, an investigator, coming to our door, to give us a a
present and to ask if we wanted to read with her??? Pinch me I'm
dreaming! Hah... literally, So E Jensen came in and woke me up and I was
all super confused too, but finally we wiped the sleep out of our eyes
and read with her. She is doing so great, she even got an answer for
what day she wanted to be baptized! April 13! Gwen's daughter (who is 9)
asked her this last week when she can get baptized. So we will start
teaching her daughter here soon. Blessings upon blessings. The Lord is
good to us, even when sometimes we don't deserve it.
Something cool that I started doing this week is trying
to apply what we learned from Elder Packer when he came and visited us a
couple of months ago. He taught us that the path to conversion is Hear,
Remember, Understand, Act, Become. I have just recently finished the
Book of Mormon, and so I decided that I would take a plain paper back
BoM and read it all the way through, highlighting each time someone,
Hears, remembers, understands, acts or becomes. That way I can see the
conversion and none conversions of the people in the Book of Mormon. It's
been really cool so far. The first big instance is in 1 Nephi 4. Mainly
10-19. He listens to the spirit, remembers what the Lord has said, then
he understands why he needs to kill Laban, and then he does it. He
learned a lot from that experience and was able to grow. I thought it was
so neat that all the parts of becoming converted were in that one
experience. Of course, the becoming converted will come later, but that
was just one step towards it.
Before I forget, Congrats Olivia for winning the
National Championship. That is 10 times cooler than anything I've ever
done or any award I've ever gotten. I'm
proud of you for sticking it out and not giving up! I love you lots!