Sunday, February 19, 2012

Staying in Many!

Good News! I'm staying in Many! Elder Davidson and I are together for at least one more transfer! This past week has been good. Jeremy is getting baptized today! After church on Sunday we were invited to to go over to Sister Leone's for the blessing of her grandchild. It was so nice of them to invite us to a really personal event for the family. While we were there, TJ (the dad of the child) asked Elder Davidson and myself to be in the circle for the blessing! It was such a sweet and humbling experience to be a part of that.

An awesome miracle happened yesterday! We went down to Florien and tried to contact a couple of people on our potential investigators list. Then, I had a prompting that we should go see a certain lady on our list. When we got there, she welcomed us in. We started to teach her about the Plan of Salvation. But one thing after another kept getting in the way--tons of distractions kept us from really being able to teach her. After about 20 minutes of barking dogs, phones ringing and dinner cooking, we were able to get her attention for about 5 minutes. During that short time we were able to wrap up the lesson and give her a Book of Mormon. We both bore testimony of it and how it could change her life. But, when Elder Davidson was bearing his, I said a silent prayer asking Heavenly Father if I should invite her to be baptized. And I got the response, "She has been totally prepared and is ready." So, after Elder Davidson asked invited her to read, I blurted out..."And once you know that the Book of Mormon is true, will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God?" She paused and then said, "Absolutely!" It was such a testimony builder! She said that she had really needed a pick-me-up, and then we just happened to show up. She then said, "Hey, do you have something, like some sort of pamphlet, that I could read before you come back by next time, and then you can check up on how I've been reading?" She was so ready! It was a sweet tender mercy of the Lord.

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